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action() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.test.Test
add(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePersistentBoolean
Adds a value.
addBlock(TorqueBlock) - Method in class
addBlock(TorqueCommand...) - Method in class
addCommand(TorqueCommand) - Method in class
addCondition(Supplier<Boolean>) - Method in class
addContinuousInputRange(double, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addDerivative(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addDetectableColor(Color) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueColorSensor
addDisjointData(TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable
addFeedForward(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addFollower(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueMotor
addFollower(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Add a follower Falcon.
addFollower(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Add a follower SparkMax.
addFollower(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Add a follower Talon.
addFollower(int, boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueMotor
addFollower(int, boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Add a follower Falcon and optionally invert.
addFollower(int, boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Add a follower SparkMax and optionally invert.
addFollower(int, boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Add a follower Talon and optionally invert.
addFollower(int, boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Add a follower motor ID.
addIntegral(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addIntegralZone(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addMaxContinuousInput(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addMaxOutput(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addMinContinuousInput(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addMinOutput(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addOutputRange(double, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
addSequence(String, TorqueSequence) - Method in class
addSequence(TorqueSequence) - Method in class
addSubsystem(TorqueSubsystem) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
all() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePersistentBoolean
all(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePersistentBoolean
allowedError - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile
and(Consumer<T>) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
If the internal value is not null, pass it to a consumer function.
any() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePersistentBoolean
any(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePersistentBoolean
asString() - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
atPovState(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
atPovState(TorqueLogiPro.PovState) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
autonomousInit() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
autonomousPeriodic() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
average(List<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Takes the average of a list of numbers.
average(List<T>, ToDoubleFunction<T>) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Takes the average of the mapped functional outputs on a list of objects.


block() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInputModule
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
burnFlash() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Burns the SparkMax flash.
burnFlash() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO


calculate() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRequestableTimeout
Has the timeout yet to elapse?
calculate() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueSubsequent
Is this the first time the loop has executed?
calculate(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueClick
Has current just changed from false to true?
calculate(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRamp
calculate(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTimeout
If action is true and it hasn't been true for longer than the timeout, return true.
calculate(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueToggle
calculate(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueToggleLegacy
calculate(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableSelection
calculate(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike
calculate(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable
Returns the closest disjoint data based on the distance provided.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRollingMedian
Adds and performs calculation
calculate(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueSlewLimiter
calculate(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTakeBackHalf
calculate(double, boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueSlewLimiter
calculate(double, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLogisticRegression
calculate(double, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
calculate(T) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLock
Returns the requested value if not locked, otherwise returns the cached last requested value, the value it was locked at.
camelCaseToTitleCase(String) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Splits a camel case string into title case.
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
check(boolean, T) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
A wrapper for TorqueCondition#checkIfElse(), checks a condition and sets the value if the internal value has yet to be set (else if logic).
checkElse(T) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
A value to set if the value has yet to be set (else logic).
checkElseIf(boolean, T) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
Checks a condition and sets the value if the internal value has yet to be set (else if logic).
checkIf(boolean, T) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
Checks a condition and sets the value regardless (if logic).
chooseCurrentSequence() - Method in class
CLICKS_PER_ROTATION - Static variable in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
CLICKS_PER_ROTATION - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Clicks per rotation on the motor encoder.
CLICKS_PER_ROTATION - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Clicks per rotation on the motor encoder.
CLICKS_PER_ROTATION - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Clicks per rotation on the motor encoder.
conditionalApply(boolean, T, Function<T, T>) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Apply or don't modify a value based on a condition using a transforming function.
configureDumbCANFrame() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Configure the CAN frames for a "dumb motor," which won't need to access CAN data often or at all.
configureDumbLeaderCANFrame() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Configure the CAN frames for a "dumb motor" leader, which won't give data often but will update fast for its follower.
configureFastLeader() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Configures CAN frames to be quick on the lead motor.
configureIZone(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
I-Zone is now included in KPID.
configurePID(TorquePID) - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
configurePID(TorquePID) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Configures the PID controller for the motor.
configurePID(TorquePID) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Configures the PID controller for the motor.
configurePID(TorquePID) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Configures the PID controller for the motor.
configurePID(TorquePID) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Configure the PID parameters.
configurePID(KPID) - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
configurePID(KPID) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
configurePID(KPID) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
configurePID(KPID) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
configurePositionalCANFrame() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Configures the CAN frame for a no-follower encoder-positional only sparkmax; such as would be in a climber.
configureSmartMotion(double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Configure needed variables for smart motion.
configureSmartMotion(TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Configure the SmartMotionProfile parameters.
constrain(double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Return contrained value n between a and -a
constrain(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Return contrained value n between a and b
constrained(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Check if a number is inside of a certain bounds (inclusive).
continuous() - Method in class
continuous() - Method in class
continuous() - Method in class
continuous() - Method in class
continuous() - Method in class
continuous() - Method in class
controller - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
controllerMap - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
create() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
create(double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
createPIDController() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
createPIDController(Function<PIDController, PIDController>) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID


DEFAULT_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.util.TorqueAprilTagMap
defaultConfig - Static variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
disabledInit() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
disabledPeriodic() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
disableVoltageCompensation() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
displayChoices() - Method in class
Send sequence list to SmartDashboard
distance - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
DOWN_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
DOWN_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
drive - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwervePorts
driveDGain - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
driveFeedForward - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
driveGearRatio - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
driveIGain - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
driveMaxCurrent - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
drivePGain - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
drivePoseFactor - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
driver - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInput
DRIVER - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.ControllerPort
driveRampRate - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
driveStaticGain - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
driveVelocityFactor - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig


EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
encoder - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwervePorts
encoder - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
encoderPerMinuteToMetersPerSecond(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Conveerts motor speed in rotations per minute to meters per second.
end() - Method in class
end() - Method in class
end() - Method in class
end() - Method in class
end() - Method in class
end() - Method in class
endCompetition() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
endCondition() - Method in class
endCondition() - Method in class
endCondition() - Method in class
endCondition() - Method in class
endCondition() - Method in class
endCondition() - Method in class
enumeratedFor(Iterable<T>, BiConsumer<Integer, T>) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Enumerated For (enumeratedFor) is a class that *trys* to implement similar functionality to Python: for i, element in enumerate(iterable): doSomething(i, element) in the form: enumeratedFor(iterable, (i, element) -> { doSomething(i, element); }); So not that much more verbose, but you do have to specify type!
enumeratedFor(T[], BiConsumer<Integer, T>) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
A wrapper for enumeratedFor that supports static arrays.
equalizedDriveRatio(SwerveModuleState[], double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Equalizes drive speeds to never exceed full power on the Neo.
errorf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Kills the program and writes an error message with a printf style in red.
execute(Runnable, Runnable) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueSubsequent
Executes initial if this is the first time, and subsequent if this is not the first time.


first - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.Pair
first - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.Triple
followers - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueDirection
fromAngle(int) - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
fromJSON() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.util.TorqueAprilTagMap
Deserializes a TorqueAprilTagMap from a JSON file from default filename "AprilTags.json".
fromJSON(String) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.util.TorqueAprilTagMap
Deserializes a TorqueAprilTagMap from a JSON file from a filename.


GenericController - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
Use TorqueController instead (GenericController).
GenericController(int, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
GenericController(int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
Create a new controller.
get() - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueDirection
get() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueBoolSupplier
get() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueClickSupplier
get() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
Get the internal value.
get() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueToggle
get() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueToggleSupplier
get() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableRange
Returns the current value setting.
get() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableSelection
get() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueToggleLegacy
get(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableSelection
getAButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getAButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isAButtonDown" method instead
getAButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getAButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getAcceleration() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getAcceleration() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the acceleration of the motor in encoder units per second per second.
getAcceleration() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the acceleration of the motor in encoder units per second per second.
getAcceleration() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the acceleration of the motor in encoder units per second per second.
getAccelerationRPM() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getAccelerationRPM() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the acceleration of the motor in RPM/s.
getAccelerationRPM() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the acceleration of the motor in RPM/s.
getAccelerationRPM() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the acceleration of the motor in RPM/s.
getAccelerationRPS() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getAccelerationRPS() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the acceleration of the motor in RPS/s.
getAccelerationRPS() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the acceleration of the motor in RPS/s.
getAccelerationRPS() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the acceleration of the motor in RPS/s.
getActiveBooleanMethods() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
getAngle() - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
getAngleOffsetCCW() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueNavXGyro
getAngleOffsetCW() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueNavXGyro
getAveragePitch() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Returns the avg pitch angle of the targets as degrees.
getAverageYaw() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Returns the avg yaw angle of the targets as degrees.
getBButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getBButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isBButtonDown" method instead
getBButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getBButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getButtonByIndex(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
getCached() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLock
getClosestColor() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueColorSensor
getControllerType() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getCurrent() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Gets current used by the Falcon.
getCurrent() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Gets current used by the SparkMax.
getCurrent() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Gets current used by the Talon.
getCurrent() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
getDerivative() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
getDGains() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
getDisplacement() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
getDistance() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData
getDistanceToElevatedTarget(TorqueLight, double, double, Rotation2d) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Calculates the distance to the target in meters.
getDPADDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getDPADDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isDownDown()" method instead
getDPADDownLeft() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getDPADDownLeft() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isDownLeftDown()" method instead
getDPADDownRight() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getDPADDownRight() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isDownRightDown()" method instead
getDPADLeft() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getDPADLeft() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isLeftDown()" method instead
getDPADRight() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getDPADRight() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isRightDown()" method instead
getDPADState() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Get the state of the DPAD.
getDPADUp() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getDPADUp() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isUpDown()" method instead
getDPADUpLeft() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getDPADUpLeft() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isUpLeftDown()" method instead
getDPADUpRight() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getDPADUpRight() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isUpRightDown()" method instead
getDriver() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInput
getFeedForward() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
getFGains() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
getHeadingCCW() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueNavXGyro
getHeadingCW() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueNavXGyro
getHighestPoint() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData
getHood() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData
getIGains() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
getInstance() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueNavXGyro
getIntegral() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
getIntegralZone() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
getIZone() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
getLastGoodAprilTagID() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
getLatency() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Reads the camera latency in milliseconds.
getLatency() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
getLeft() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
getLeft() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
getLeftBumper() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getLeftBumper() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isLeftBumperDown" method instead
getLeftCenterButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getLeftCenterButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isLeftCenterButtonDown" method instead
getLeftStickClick() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getLeftStickClick() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isLeftStickClickDown" method instead
getLeftTrigger() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getLeftTrigger() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isLeftTriggerDown" method instead
getLeftTriggerAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Get the value of the left trigger axis.
getLeftXAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getLeftXAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Get the value of the left X axis.
getLeftYAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getLeftYAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Get the value of the left Y axis.
getLeftZAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getLerpPoint(TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData, TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable
Returns a calculated data point based off of a lerp fit between the two closest disjoint data points
getLinearPoint(TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData, TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable
Returns a calculated data point based off of a linear fit between the two closest disjoint data points
getLowestPoint() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData
getMax() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
getMaxOutput() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
getMin() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
getMinOutput() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
getNumberOfTargets() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
getNumberOfTargets() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
How many targets do we see?
getOperator() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInput
getPercent() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
getPGains() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
getPhotonCamera() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
getPitch() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
getPort() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base.TorqueSwerveModule
getPoseMeters() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSwerveOdometry
Returns the position of the robot on the field.
getPosition() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getPosition() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the position of the motor in encoder units.
getPosition() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the position of the motor in encoder units.
getPosition() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the position of the motor in encoder units.
getPosition() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
getPosition() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Default unit is rotations, changed with setConversionFactors method.
getPositionDegrees() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getPositionDegrees() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the position of the motor in degrees.
getPositionDegrees() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the position of the motor in degrees.
getPositionDegrees() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the position of the motor in degrees.
getPositionOfBestAprilTag(Map<Integer, Pose3d>, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Get position of best April Tag.
getPositionRotations() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getPositionRotations() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the position of the motor in rotations.
getPositionRotations() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the position of the motor in rotations.
getPositionRotations() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the position of the motor in rotations.
getPovState() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
getProportional() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
getResult() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Get the current result.
getRight() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
getRight() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
getRightBumper() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getRightBumper() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isRightBumperDown" method instead
getRightCenterButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getRightCenterButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isRightCenterButtonDown" method instead
getRightStickClick() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getRightStickClick() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isRightStickClickDown" method instead
getRightTrigger() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getRightTrigger() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isRightTriggerDown" method instead
getRightTriggerAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Get the value of the right trigger axis.
getRightXAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getRightXAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Get the value of the left X axis.
getRightYAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getRightYAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Get the value of the left Y axis.
getRightZAxis() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getRobotPose(Rotation2d, Rotation2d, Rotation2d, double, double, Rotation2d, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Gets the estimated robot position using vision calculations.
getRobotPoseAprilTag2d(Map<Integer, Pose3d>) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
getRobotPoseAprilTag3d(Map<Integer, Pose3d>) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
getRobotPoseAprilTag3d(Map<Integer, Pose3d>, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
An estimate of the robot's position as a Pose3d based on a map of known April Tags and the camera stream.
getRobotPoseAprilTag3d(Map<Integer, Pose3d>, double, double, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
An estimate of the robot's position as a Pose3d based on a map of known April Tags and the camera stream.
getRoll() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
getRotatePosition() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
getRotation() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base.TorqueSwerveModule
getRotation() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Gets the rotation of the swerve module as a Rotation2d.
getRotation() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
getRPM() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData
getSequenceEnded() - Method in class
Return the state variable that shows whether the sequence is ended or not
getStackTraceElement(int) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Get a stack trace element.
getState() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base.TorqueSwerveModule
getState() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Gets the current swerve module state.
getState() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
getStatus() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike
getTarget() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Get the current target.
getTargetArea() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Returns the area of the target.
getTargetPitch() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Returns the pitch angle of the target as degrees.
getTargetYaw() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Returns the yaw angle of the target as degrees.
getThrottle() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Reads the result timestamp in seconds.
getTransformToAprilTag3d() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
getTransformToAprilTag3d(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
The estimated transformation between the camera and the identified AprilTag as a Transform3d.
getTrigger() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
getVelocity() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getVelocity() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the velocity of the motor in encoder units per second.
getVelocity() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the velocity of the motor in encoder units per second.
getVelocity() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the velocity of the motor in encoder units per second.
getVelocity() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Default unit is RPM, changed with setConversionFactors method.
getVelocityRPM() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getVelocityRPM() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the velocity of the motor in RPM.
getVelocityRPM() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the velocity of the motor in RPM.
getVelocityRPM() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the velocity of the motor in RPM.
getVelocityRPS() - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
getVelocityRPS() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Get the velocity of the motor in RPS.
getVelocityRPS() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Get the velocity of the motor in RPS.
getVelocityRPS() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Get the velocity of the motor in RPS.
getVoltage() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Gets voltage used by the SparkMax.
getVolts() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
getWheelRPM(TorqueEncoderMotor, double) - Static method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
Finds velocity of a drive wheel in RPMs.
getWheelVelocity(TorqueEncoderMotor, double, double) - Static method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueEncoderMotor
Finds Velocity of a Drive Wheel in meters per second
getXButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getXButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isXButtonDown" method instead
getXButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getXButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getYaw() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
getYButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getYButton() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Here for old API compatibility. Use the "isYButtonDown" method instead
getYButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
getYButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
group(int, int, double...) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Appends doubles like an ordered pair in parenthesis.


hasEnded() - Method in class
hasIntegralZone() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
hasTargets() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Does the camera have any targets.
hasTargets() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Does the camera have any targets?
hasUpdated() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableSelection
Check if the class has been updated since the last call of this method.


id - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base.TorqueSwerveModule
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
This is where we add sequenes
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
initAuto() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
initDisabled() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
initialize(TorqueMode) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
initTeleop() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
input - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueBoolSupplier
invert(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueMotor
invert(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Sets the inversion status of the lead motor.
invert(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Sets the inversion status of the lead motor.
invert(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Sets the inversion status of the lead motor.
isAButtonDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the A button is currently down.
isAButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the A button is being pressed.
isAButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the A button is being released.
isAuto() - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
isBButtonDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the B button is currently down.
isBButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the B button is being pressed.
isBButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the B button is being released.
isBlocked() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInputModule
isCompetition() - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
isDisabled() - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
isDPAD(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the the DPAD is at this angle.
isDPAD(TorqueController.DPADState) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the the DPAD is at this state.
isDPADDownDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the DPAD down button is being held down.
isDPADDownLeftDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the DPAD down left button is being held down.
isDPADDownRightDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the DPAD down right button is being held down.
isDPADLeftDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the DPAD left button is being held down.
isDPADRightDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the DPAD right button is being held down.
isDPADUpDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the DPAD up button is being held down.
isDPADUpLeftDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the DPAD up left button is being held down.
isDPADUpRightDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the DPAD up right button is being held down.
isLeftBumperDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left bumper is currently down.
isLeftBumperPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left bumper is being pressed.
isLeftBumperReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left bumper is being released.
isLeftCenterButtonDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left center button is currently down.
isLeftCenterButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left center button is being pressed.
isLeftCenterButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left center button is being released.
isLeftStickClickDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left stick is currently down.
isLeftStickClickPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left stick is being pressed.
isLeftStickClickReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left stick is being released.
isLeftTriggerDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the left trigger is currently down.
isLocked() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLock
isRightBumperDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right bumper is currently down.
isRightBumperPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right bumper is being pressed.
isRightBumperReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right bumper is being released.
isRightCenterButtonDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right center button is currently down.
isRightCenterButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right center button is being pressed.
isRightCenterButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right center button is being released.
isRightStickClickDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right stick is currently down.
isRightStickClickPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right stick is being pressed.
isRightStickClickReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right stick is being released.
isRightTriggerDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the right trigger is currently down.
isTeleop() - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
isXButtonDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the X button is currently down.
isXButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the X button is being pressed.
isXButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the X button is being released.
isYButtonDown() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the Y button is currently down.
isYButtonPressed() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the Y button is being pressed.
isYButtonReleased() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Check if the Y button is being released.


KPID - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
Use TorquePID instead.
KPID() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
KPID(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
KPID(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID


last - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRequestableTimeout
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
linearConstraint(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Returns either requestedSpeed or zero depending on if it will keep currentPosition between minPosition and maxPosition.
lock() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLock
log() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
logActiveBooleanMethods() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
lowerFollowerCANFrame() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Reduce the CAN frame interval for a follower.


magic - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.test.Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRollingMedian
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
maxAcceleration - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
maxAcceleration - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile
maxAngularAcceleration - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
maxAngularVelocity - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
maxVelocity - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
maxVelocity - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile
metersPerSecondToEncoderPerMinute(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Converts wheel speed in meters per second to rotations per minute.
minVelocity - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile
motor - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
The internal components to the motor wrapper.


name - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
NEUTRAL - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueDirection
next() - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike.CurrentSpikes
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike.CurrentSpikes
normalize(SwerveModuleState[], double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
Normalizes drive speeds to never exceed a specified max.
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
notImplemented() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Automatically kills the program and displays that this method is unimplemented to the console.


OFF - Static variable in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueDirection
onAuto(Runnable) - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
onCompetition(Runnable) - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
onContinuous(Runnable) - Method in class
onDisabled(Runnable) - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
onEnd(Runnable) - Method in class
onInit(Runnable) - Method in class
onRobot - Static variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
onTeleop(Runnable) - Method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
onTrue(Runnable) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueBoolSupplier
onTrueOrFalse(Runnable, Runnable) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueBoolSupplier
operator - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInput
OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.ControllerPort - package
Texas Torque's custom autonomous framework. - package - package
org.texastorque.torquelib.base - package org.texastorque.torquelib.base
Texas Torque base classes and boilerplate.
org.texastorque.torquelib.control - package org.texastorque.torquelib.control
The Texas Torque Control Classes are a set of utility classes that abstract commonly used logical operations.
org.texastorque.torquelib.control.test - package org.texastorque.torquelib.control.test
org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy - package org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
This package contains a bunch of legacy classes that shouldn't really find their way into new code.
org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base - package org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base
org.texastorque.torquelib.modules - package org.texastorque.torquelib.modules
A package of object representations for our swerve modules.
org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base - package org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base
Baseclasses for our swerve module objects.
org.texastorque.torquelib.motors - package org.texastorque.torquelib.motors
This package contains wrapper classes that are used to abstract common functionality for a motor.
org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors - package org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors
A collection of classes that allow us to interface various feedback devices.
org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.util - package org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.util
org.texastorque.torquelib.util - package org.texastorque.torquelib.util
A package that contains uncatagorized utlity classes.
osName - Static variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
outOfDate() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Automatically kills the program and displays that this method is unimplemented to the console.


Pair(T, U) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.Pair
PERIOD - Static variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
photonPoseEstimator - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
port - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueMotor
port - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
portion() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePersistentBoolean
portion(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePersistentBoolean
Calculates the % of window that is "value".
powPreserveSign(double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Power with sign the sign of a.
prime(long) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Check if an integer (as a long) is prime or not.


random(long) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
This method will return an integer (as a long) in the range [1, high].
random(long, long) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
This method will return an integer (as a long) in the range [low, high].
range(double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Returns an array with range of [min, max] and steps of 1.
range(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Returns an array with range of [min, max] and steps of increment.
requested - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRequestableTimeout
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInputModule
reset() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
Resets the conditional chain.
reset() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike
reset() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueSubsequent
resetBlock() - Method in class
resetCurrentSequence() - Method in class
resetPosition(Pose2d, Rotation2d) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSwerveOdometry
Resets the robot's position on the field.
restoreFactoryDefaults() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Restores the lead SparkMax to factory defaults.
result - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.TimeResult
REVERSE - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueDirection
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
robotInit() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
robotPeriodic() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
round(double, long) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Round number to a place value.
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInputModule
runCurrentSequence() - Method in class


scaledLinearDeadband(double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Scaled linear deadband
scaledPowerDeadband(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Scaled linear deadband
scaledQuadraticDeadband(double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Scaled linear deadband
second - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.Pair
second - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.Triple
set(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueToggle
set(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueToggleLegacy
set(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRequestableTimeout
Set a timeout and start the clock!
set(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableSelection
setBreakMode(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
setCenterToCamera(Transform3d) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Sets the transform to the camera from the center.
setCoef(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
setCoef(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
setConversionFactors(double, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
setCurrent(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set the motor to output a certain current setpoint.
setCurrent(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Set the motor to a amperage output.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Set the maximum current the motor can draw.
setCurrentSequence(TorqueSequence) - Method in class
Set sequence with sequence object
setD(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
setDeadband(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
Set the deadband of the controller.
setDesiredState(SwerveModuleState) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base.TorqueSwerveModule
setDesiredState(SwerveModuleState) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Set the state of the swerve module.
setDesiredState(SwerveModuleState) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
setEncoderZero(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
setF(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
setFieldLayout(AprilTagFieldLayout) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
setForwardCoef(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
setForwardCoef(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
setI(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
setIZone(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
setLeft(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
setLeft(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
setLeftRumble(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLock
setLogging(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Set the logging status of the module.
setMax(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
setMin(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
setNeutralMode(NeutralMode) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set neutral mode.
setOffsetCCW(Rotation2d) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueNavXGyro
setOffsetCW(Rotation2d) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueNavXGyro
setP(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.KPID
setPercent(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueMotor
setPercent(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Sets the output of the motor to the given percent.
setPercent(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Sets the output of the motor to the given percent.
setPercent(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Sets the output of the motor to the given percent.
setPercent(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Set the motor to a percent output from a decimal.
setPeriod(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
setPosition(double) - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
setPosition(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set the motor's position in encoder units.
setPosition(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set the motor's position in encoder units.
setPosition(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Set the motor's position in encoder units.
setPosition(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Default unit is rotations, changed with setConversionFactors method.
setPositionConversionFactor(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
setPositionConversionFactor(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
setPositionDegrees(double) - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
setPositionDegrees(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set the motor's position in degrees.
setPositionDegrees(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set the motor's position in degrees.
setPositionDegrees(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Set the motor's position in degrees.
setPositionRotations(double) - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
setPositionRotations(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set the motor's position in rotations.
setPositionRotations(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set the motor's position in rotations.
setPositionRotations(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Set the motor's position in rotations.
setRight(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
setRight(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
setRightRumble(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
setRotatePosition(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
setRumble(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
setRumble(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Set weather or not to rumble both sides.
setRumbleLeft(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Set weather or not to rumble the left side.
setRumbleRight(boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Set weather or not to rumble the right side.
setSmartPosition(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Default unit is rotations, changed with setConversionFactors method.
setSmartVelocity(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Default unit is RPM, changed with setConversionFactors method.
setStatorLimit(StatorCurrentLimitConfiguration) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set max amps supply.
setSupplyLimit(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set a supply limit for the SparkMax.
setSupplyLimit(SupplyCurrentLimitConfiguration) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set max amps supply.
setSupplyLimit(SupplyCurrentLimitConfiguration) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Set max amps supply.
setTolerance(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID.Builder
setTurnCoef(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
setTurnCoef(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
setType(int) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
Change controller type.
setVelocity(double) - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
setVelocity(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set the motor's velocity in encoder units per second.
setVelocity(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set the motor's velocity in encoder units per second.
setVelocity(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Set the motor's velocity in encoder units per second.
setVelocity(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Default unit is RPM, changed with setConversionFactors method.
setVelocityConversionFactor(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
setVelocityConversionFactor(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
setVelocityRPM(double) - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
setVelocityRPM(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set the motor's velocity in RPM.
setVelocityRPM(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set the motor's velocity in RPM.
setVelocityRPM(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Set the motor's velocity in RPM.
setVelocityRPS(double) - Method in interface org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorquePIDMotor
setVelocityRPS(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set the motor's velocity in RPS.
setVelocityRPS(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set the motor's velocity in RPS.
setVelocityRPS(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Set the motor's velocity in RPS.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueMotor
setVoltage(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Set the motor to output a certain voltage setpoint.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Set the motor to output a certain voltage setpoint.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Set the motor to output a certain voltage setpoint.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Set the voltage compensation for the motor.
setVolts(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Set the motor to a voltage output.
slot - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile
smartDashboard() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInputModule
SmartMotionProfile(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile
SmartMotionProfile(double, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
SPIKE - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike.CurrentSpikes
spin(double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
start() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
Creates a new chainable instance of the condition.
start(boolean, T) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
Creates a new chainable instance of the condition and checks a condition to determine if it should set the value.
STARTUP - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike.CurrentSpikes
staticConstructor() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Automatically kills the program and displays that we are trying to instantiate the constructor of a static class.
staticConstructorError() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Returns a throwable exception that notifies the developer that they are attempting to instantiate a static class.
staticOffset - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
stop() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
SwerveConfig() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
SwervePorts(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwervePorts


TELEOP - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
teleopInit() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
teleopPeriodic() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
Test - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control.test
TEST - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
TEST_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.test.Test
testInit() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
testPeriodic() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
third - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.Triple
time - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.TimeResult
time() - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
A time method that can be used on the robot and on a computer.
time(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
TimeResult(T, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.TimeResult
toleranced(double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Check if a number is within a tolerance of 0.
toleranced(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Check if a number is within a tolerance of another number.
toleranced(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Check if a number is within a tolerance of another number with independent sides.
toleranced2(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueMath
Another approach to 3 param toleranced, the one used in 2 param toleranced.
TorqueAprilTagMap - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.util
Encapsulates a map of AprilTags and their positions by ID.
TorqueAutoManager - Class in
AutoManager base class.
TorqueAutoManager() - Constructor for class
TorqueAutoManager.TorqueBlankAutoManager - Class in
A preconstructed blank automanager.
TorqueBlankAutoManager() - Constructor for class
TorqueBlock - Class in
Basically a typedef to wrap ArrayList with Block Part of the Texas Torque Autonomous Framework.
TorqueBlock() - Constructor for class
TorqueBlock(TorqueCommand...) - Constructor for class
TorqueBoolSupplier - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Designed to be extended.
TorqueBoolSupplier(BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueBoolSupplier
TorqueClick - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Notifies when a boolean value initially changes from false to true.
TorqueClick() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueClick
TorqueClickSupplier - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Functional Wrapper for TorqueClick.
TorqueClickSupplier(BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueClickSupplier
TorqueColorSensor - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors
TorqueColorSensor() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueColorSensor
TorqueColorSensor(Color...) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueColorSensor
TorqueCommand - Class in
Texas Torque autonomous command base class.
TorqueCommand() - Constructor for class
TorqueCondition<T> - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
A replacement for the if else statments to check for conditions that determine the object to pass to a consumer function.
TorqueCondition() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCondition
TorqueController - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors
A class representation of a controller, used for gathering driver input.
TorqueController(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Create a new TorqueController.
TorqueController(int, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Create a new TorqueController.
TorqueController(TorqueController.ControllerPort) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Create a new TorqueController.
TorqueController(TorqueController.ControllerPort, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController
Create a new TorqueController.
TorqueController.ControllerPort - Enum Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors
TorqueController.DPADState - Enum Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors
TorqueCurrentSpike - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
A class that can be used to detect current spikes.
TorqueCurrentSpike(double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike
TorqueCurrentSpike.CurrentSpikes - Enum Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
TorqueDirection - Enum Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.base
An enum to represent a three state representation of a direction with a quick multiplier.
TorqueDisjointData(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData
TorqueDisjointData(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData
TorqueEmpty - Class in
An empty TorqueSequence for use as default by TorqueAutoManager.
TorqueEmpty() - Constructor for class
TorqueEncoderMotor - Interface in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base
Interface to include encoder feedback methods for motors.
TorqueExecute - Class in
TorqueExecute(Runnable) - Constructor for class
TorqueFalcon - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
TorqueFalcon(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Construct a new TorqueFalcon motor.
TorqueGeneric - Class in
TorqueGeneric(TorqueGeneric.Builder) - Constructor for class
TorqueGeneric.Builder - Class in
TorqueInput<T> - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.base
Input base class.
TorqueInput() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInput
TorqueInputModule - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.base
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
No longer used in new project structure.
TorqueInputModule() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInputModule
TorqueLight - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors
Java client interface for the TorqueLight.
TorqueLight() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
TorqueLight(String) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Creates a new TorqueLight object with desired physical parameters.
TorqueLock<T> - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Lock the state of a value.
TorqueLock() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLock
TorqueLogiPro - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
TorqueLogiPro(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
TorqueLogiPro(int, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro
TorqueLogiPro.PovState - Enum Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
TorqueLogisticRegression - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
A logistic regression model that can be used to calculate speed from error.
TorqueLogisticRegression(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLogisticRegression
TorqueLookUpTable - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Implements a lookup table with lerp interpolation between values
TorqueLookUpTable() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLookUpTable
TorqueLookUpTable.TorqueDisjointData - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
TorqueMath - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.util
A static class of useful math utilities.
TorqueMode - Enum Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.base
An enum to describe the state of the robot.
TorqueMotor - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base
A base class for Texas Torque motor controller wrappers.
TorqueMotor(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base.TorqueMotor
TorqueNavXGyro - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors
An extended class for the NavX gyro that adds better support for fused headings, a more accurate heading reading.
TorqueNEO - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.motors
Designed to be the one and only motor wrapper for 2023.
TorqueNEO(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.motors.TorqueNEO
Build a new TorqueNEO.
TorqueNEO.SmartMotionProfile - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.motors
Collected representation of the SmartMotionProfile parameters.
TorquePersistentBoolean - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Rolling median o(nlogn)
TorquePersistentBoolean(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePersistentBoolean
Constructs a new rolling median class, specifying the window size.
TorquePID - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
A class representation of a PID controller that extends the WPILib PIDController.
TorquePID.Builder - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
TorquePIDMotor - Interface in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base
Interface to include PID methods for a PID motor.
TorqueRamp - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Returns a certain value that linearly increases over time.
TorqueRamp(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRamp
TorqueRequestableTimeout - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Request a time with set() and have calculate() return true until the requested time has elapsed from when it was set.
TorqueRequestableTimeout() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRequestableTimeout
TorqueRobotBase - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.base
A replacment for TorqueIterative.
TorqueRobotBase(TorqueInput, TorqueAutoManager) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
TorqueRobotBase(TorqueInput, TorqueAutoManager, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueRobotBase
TorqueRollingMedian - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Rolling median o(nlogn)
TorqueRollingMedian(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueRollingMedian
Constructs a new rolling median class, specifying the window size.
TorqueSequence - Class in
Texas Torque autonomous sequence base class.
TorqueSequence() - Constructor for class
TorqueSequenceRunner - Class in
TorqueSequenceRunner(TorqueSequence) - Constructor for class
TorqueSlewLimiter - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
This class implements a slew rate limiter.
TorqueSlewLimiter(double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueSlewLimiter
Creates a new TorqueSlewLimiter with the ascending and descending limit the same.
TorqueSlewLimiter(double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueSlewLimiter
Creates a new TorqueSlewLimiter with a different ascending and descending limit.
TorqueSmartMotor - Interface in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.base
Collective interface for PID and encoder motors: "smart motors".
TorqueSparkMax - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
TorqueSparkMax(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSparkMax
Construct a new TorqueSparkMax motor.
TorqueSubsequent - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Class that deals with doing one thing the first time the loop executes and another thing once all subsequent iterations.
TorqueSubsequent() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueSubsequent
TorqueSubsystem - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.base
Subsystem template.
TorqueSubsystem() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
TorqueSwerveModule - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base
Swerve module base class
TorqueSwerveModule(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.base.TorqueSwerveModule
TorqueSwerveModule2021 - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.modules
A representation of the 2021 Texas Torque custom swervedrive module.
TorqueSwerveModule2021(int, int, int, double, double, TorquePID, TorquePID, double, double, SimpleMotorFeedforward) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Construct a new TorqueSwerveModule2021.
TorqueSwerveModule2021(int, int, int, double, double, KPID, KPID, double, double, SimpleMotorFeedforward) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2021
Uses KPID, use TorquePID instead.
TorqueSwerveModule2022 - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.modules
Super cool flipped swerve module built in 2023 by Abishek.
TorqueSwerveModule2022(String, int, int, int, double, TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
TorqueSwerveModule2022(String, TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwervePorts, double, TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.modules
A structure to define the constants for the swerve module.
TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwervePorts - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.modules
TorqueSwerveOdometry - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
Being replaced by PoseEstimator.
TorqueSwerveOdometry(SwerveDriveKinematics, Rotation2d) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSwerveOdometry
Constructs a SwerveDriveOdometry object with the default pose at the origin.
TorqueSwerveOdometry(SwerveDriveKinematics, Rotation2d, Pose2d) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSwerveOdometry
Constructs a SwerveDriveOdometry object.
TorqueTakeBackHalf - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Simple "Take Back Half" controller algorithm implementation.
TorqueTakeBackHalf(double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTakeBackHalf
TorqueTalon - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
TorqueTalon(int) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Construct a new TorqueTalon motor.
TorqueTimeout - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Controls code execution based on an action and a timeout.
TorqueTimeout(double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTimeout
Create a new TorqueTimeout and specify the timeout.
TorqueToggle - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
This is the cool TorqueToggle.
TorqueToggle() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueToggle
TorqueToggle(boolean) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueToggle
TorqueToggleLegacy - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
TorqueToggleLegacy() - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueToggleLegacy
TorqueToggleLegacy(boolean) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueToggleLegacy
TorqueToggleSupplier - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Functional Wrapper for TorqueToggle.
TorqueToggleSupplier(BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueToggleSupplier
TorqueToggleSupplier(BooleanSupplier, boolean) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueToggleSupplier
TorqueTraversableRange - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
An implementation of the valueshifter used in some of the robots.ß
TorqueTraversableRange(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableRange
Creates a new TorquevalueSettings object with default increment of 0.1.
TorqueTraversableRange(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableRange
Creates a new TorquevalueSettings object.
TorqueTraversableSelection<T> - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Wrapper for an array that has a selector that can be incremented or decremented on controller inputs.
TorqueTraversableSelection(int, T...) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableSelection
TorqueTraversableSelection(T...) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableSelection
TorqueUtil - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.util
Miscellaneous and uncatagorized static functions used throughout the codebase.
TorqueUtil.Pair<T,U> - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.util
TorqueUtil.TimeResult<T> - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.util
TorqueUtil.Triple<T,U,V> - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.util
TorqueVision - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors
Client interface for the TorqueVision.
TorqueVision(String, AprilTagFieldLayout, Transform3d) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Creates a new TorqueLight object with desired table name.
TorqueWaitForSeconds - Class in
TorqueWaitForSeconds(double) - Constructor for class
TorqueWaitUntil - Class in
TorqueWaitUntil(BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class
TorqueWCDTeleopDriver - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy
Improvments to the algorithm used to drive a West Coast Drivetrain durring teleop.
TorqueWCDTeleopDriver(double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
TorqueWestCoast - Class in org.texastorque.torquelib.control
Improvments to the algorithm used to drive a West Coast Drivetrain durring teleop.
TorqueWestCoast(double, double) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueWestCoast
toString() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorquePID
transform3dTo2d(Transform3d) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Converts a Transform3d to a Transform2d.
Triple(T, U, V) - Constructor for class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil.Triple
turn - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwervePorts
turnDGain - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
turnGearRatio - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
turnIGain - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
turnMaxCurrent - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
turnPGain - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig
TYPE_LOGITECH - Static variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController
TYPE_XBOX - Static variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.GenericController


unblock() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInputModule
unlock() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueLock
UP - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
UP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
UP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
update() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInput
update() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueInputModule
update() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueLight
Call this periodically to update the vision state.
update() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Call this periodically to update the vision state.
update(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTraversableRange
Updates (and optionally returns) the value setting based on the controller input.
update(double, double) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueWCDTeleopDriver
update(Rotation2d, SwerveModuleState...) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSwerveOdometry
Updates the robot's position on the field using forward kinematics and integration of the pose over time.
update(TorqueMode) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
updateAuto() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
updateDisabled() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
updateRate() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueTakeBackHalf
updateTeleop() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueSubsystem
updateVisionMeasurement(BiConsumer<Pose2d, Double>) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueVision
Add vision measurements to the pose estimator.
updateWithTime(double, Rotation2d, SwerveModuleState...) - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueSwerveOdometry
Updates the robot's position on the field using forward kinematics and integration of the pose over time.
useBuilder() - Static method in class
useCancoder - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
useSmartDrive - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike.CurrentSpikes
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.ControllerPort
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.base.TorqueMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.control.TorqueCurrentSpike.CurrentSpikes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.ControllerPort
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.sensors.TorqueController.DPADState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
voltageCompensation - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig


warnf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.util.TorqueUtil
Writes an error message with a printf style in yellow but doesn't kill the program.
WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueLogiPro.PovState
wheelDiameter - Variable in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022.SwerveConfig


zero() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.modules.TorqueSwerveModule2022
zeroEncoder() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueFalcon
Zero the encoder.
zeroEncoder() - Method in class org.texastorque.torquelib.legacy.TorqueTalon
Zero the encoder.
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